Guide for applying the mod without using the launcher

Table of Contents
  • Guide for Paradox Interactive Folder Cleanup
  • Download language mod
  • language folder installation path
  • Guide for modifying the language folder's descriptor.mod file
  • language mod file installation path
  • Guide for modifying the ugc_xxxxxxxxxx.mod file
  • Guide for modifying the dlc_load.json

Guide for Paradox Interactive Folder Cleanup
Download the Paradox Interactive folder.
When the download is complete, unzip the compressed file.
Paradox Interactive.rar file

Unzip the Paradox Interactive by @SteamNOC.rar file and open the Paradox Interactive by @SteamNOC folder.
Paradox Interactive by @SteamNOC folder

Delete all files and folders in the Paradox Interactive folder in My Documents and move the files and folders in the Paradox Interactive by @SteamNOC folder.

Download language mod
Download the Language.rar compressed file and unzip it.
Language.rar file

Open the Language folder.
Language folder

language folder installation path
Steam user's path
Put the 1886171068 folder inside the 394360 folder.
[C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ workshop \ content \ 394360]
MOD folder of Steam's path

Non-Steam user's path
Put the 1886171068 folder inside the 394360 folder.
[C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Hearts of Iron IV \ workshop \ content \ 394360]
MOD folder of Non-Steam's path

Guide for modifying the language folder's descriptor.mod file
Open the 1886171068 folder and open the descriptor.mod file inside with notepad.
Open to descriptor.mod with notepad

Guide for version revision
The version in line 1 is the mod version and has nothing to do with running the game.
The version in line 6 is the game version and is related to running the game.
Enter the same version as the version of the game on line 6.
Enter *(1.12.*) after 1.12 to apply all versions from 1.12.1 to 1.12.10
Modify descriptor.mod

language mod file installation path
put the ugc_1886171068.mod file inside the mod folder.
[This PC \ Documents \ Paradox Interactive \ Hearts of Iron IV \ mod]

Open the ˚ugc_xxxxxxxxxx.mod˚ file with Notepad.
Open to mod file with notepad

Guide for modifying the ugc_xxxxxxxxxx.mod file
The version in line 1 is the mod version and has nothing to do with running the game.
The version in line 6 is the game version and is related to running the game.
Enter the same version as the version of the game on line 6.
Enter *(1.12.*) after 1.12 to apply all versions from 1.12.1 to 1.12.10

Steam user's path
[C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ workshop \ content \ 394360 \ xxxxxxxxxx]
MOD file of Steam's path

Non-Steam user's path
[C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Hearts of Iron IV \ workshop \ content \ 394360 \ xxxxxxxxxx]
MOD file of Non-Steam's path

Guide for modifying the dlc_load.json
Open the dlc_load.json file with notepad.
Open to dlc_load.json with notepad

Enter the name of the mod file in the mod folder into ˚enabled_mods˚ and save it.
To apply more modes, separate them with commas and type.
Modify dlc_load.json

Runching the game by clicking on hoi4.exe.
[C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Hearts of Iron IV]

You can see the mod applied.